Metal Detecting Permission Letter Template

If you want a free, proven, Metal Detecting Permission Letter Template, follow the links below to print one out, customise it and use it to get access to mining leases or pegged land in WA.

OK, you have done all the work identifying a gold nugget target area but find that it is a Live Mining Tenement (Green colour on Tengraph) so what do you do next.

You must get "Written Permission" to go metal detecting on that lease, otherwise be subject to HEAVY PENALTIES under the Mining Act.

These Metal Detecting Permission Letter Templates have worked for us in in WA where you must get permission to metal detect on Granted tenements - whether they are Mining or Prospecting tenements.

However, If the tenement is a Granted Exploration Lease then you can also obtain a Section 40E Permit  to prospect on the land or alternatively...

.... why not just send a copy of our proven, metal detecting permission letter requests to the exploration company and ask permission.

This form letter may help for smaller Mining Companies or those that dont have a big enough administration area to develop standard form letters and approval systems.

Did you know that a documented trail of written approvals enables a Mining Company to claim YOUR costs against their statutory Annual Expenditure requirements on their Annual return  "Form 5"?

So not all Mining Companies are against you metal detecting on their tenement BUT, it must be subject to a written agreement

The KEY is to make sure you obtain written permission to metal detect on granted tenements and make sure you fulfill all the requirements of the mining company.

Form 5 - Showing Metal Detecting Cost

Form 5 Expenditure Metal Detecting

Attachment 2 of Form 5 Annual Expenditure Report on Mining Leases required by Department Mines annually.

Request to Metal Detect Standard Letter Download

Metal Detecting Permission Letter Template for APLA Members

If you are a member of APLA here is a copy of the letter in MS Word in a ZIP file. Unzip the file Metal Detecting Permission Letter open it in Word and change it to suit your information.

If you dont have MS Word on your PC then download this PDF file Metal Detecting Permission Letter PDF print it and fill in the blank sections to suit your information..

You will need a PDF reader to read the file, if you cannot open the downloaded PDF file, then you need to download Adobe Reader by left clicking on the icon below.

If you Are NOT a Member of APLA

If you are NOT a member of APLA here is the same template but reference to membership of APLA Removed.

If you are NOTa member of APLA here is a copy of the letter in MS Word in a ZIP file. Unzip the file Metal Detecting Permission Letter Template for people who are not members of APLA, open it in Word and change it to suit your information.

If you dont have MS Word on your PC then download this PDF file Metal Detecting Permission Letter template (PDF) for people who are not members of APLA, print it and fill in the blank sections to suit your information.

Request to Metal Detect Standard REPORT on FINDS Download

After you finish metal detecting on the lease then you will need to report your finds and other information to the mining company that owns the tenements.

Here is a copy of the Metal Detecting Report letter in MS Word in a ZIP file.

UNZIP the file Metal Detecting Report On Finds Letter Unzip and open it in Word and change it to suit your information.

If you dont have MS Word on your PC then download this PDF file Metal Detecting Report on Finds Letter, this is a PDF that you can download, print it and fill in the blank sections to suit your information.

The Report letter has a table where you can include information like dates that you arrived and left the tenement, costs incurred, Gold found and so on.

Metal Detecting Standard Cost Spread Sheet Download

Metal Detecting Costs spreadsheetMetal Detecting Costs spreadsheet

You need to  report information based on what the company demands in their agreement with you.

 Here is  a copy of the spreadsheet we use to keep an accurate picture of metal detecting reporting information cost for use with a Form 5 Annual Mining Cost report.

You are welcome to use it if it makes it easier to fulfil your reporting requirements.

Download your Metal Detecting Report spreadsheet in a  ZIP file here:

Metal Detecting Cost Spreadsheet that aligns with Mining Report on Expenditure Form 5.

Unzip the file to your PC open it in Excel and complete the data while you are on your metal detecting trips.

If you dont have MS excel on your PC then download this PDF file, Metal Detecting Cost Spreadsheet that aligns with Mining Report on Expenditure Form 5 PDF Format, print it and fill in the blank sections to suit your information.

What Agreements Are Bigger Mining Organisations Using?

Many of the bigger Mining companies allow access to their mining leases and have their own form letters and rules - here is a sample agreement from one very helpful company  for you to look at.

It's provided to give you an idea of the sort of agreements Mining Companies need to protect their own interests.

Contact us through the "contact us" form if you need help with this

Here is a copy of a  "Standard Agreement for  Metal Detecting on a mining company leases."

A few Points about the agreement;

Join APLA now, membership is worth its weight in gold.

  • There are additional Environmental Conditions.

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